Welfare Activities

Financial Aid to people those who not having own land to built the house and to those who are homeless. Trust takes some initiative to find them and provide assistance to construct home for them. Since the registration of the Trust till now many more people is being financially assisted for the above purpose.

There are many financially insecure families as they don’t having fixed source of income as on the uncertain demise of the working member of the family. Trust also trying to find out such families and aid them financially for food, medical, educational purposes.

To engage as far as possible in emergency social activities such as famine and relief work, helping the victims of natural calamities and other activities which will help and uplift the needy and underprivileged in our community.

Providing assistance to girls for their marriage who where financially insecure.

To provide relief and assistance to handicapped, poor or needy persons and make necessary arrangements for making regular income for their livelihood.

To acquire property for the sole use for public good by making it available public purposes as for example , housing a library, clinic, crèche and/or as a community Hall to be available for public use for training classes, seminars, discourses and other public functions for benefit of the community in general

To take up any other activities which may be decided by the Board of Trustees from time to time, which are not against the objects and basic principles of this Trust as mentioned in this Trust deed.